How Long Do TMJ Flare Ups Last?

How Long Do TMJ Flare Ups Last?


You’ve probably heard of TMJ at some point in your life, since most of us know someone who has the condition, or are sufferers of TMJ ourselves. TMJ can cause serious pain and loss of function of the jaw, along with several other possible symptoms, especially if left untreated. However, many people don’t realize that TMJ symptoms tend to come on in cycles, known as flare-ups. In this post, we’ll explain what TMJ and TMJ flare-ups are, how long flare-ups last, common causes for TMJ flare-ups, and some potential treatments.

What is TMJ?

TMJ is the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the lower jawbone to the skull. Each person has two temporomandibular joints, one on each side of the jaw. When these joints become inflamed and painful, the condition is often mistakenly called TMJ, but this is a misnomer. It should actually be called TMD, or temporomandibular disorder. There are over 30 potential TMJ disorders that are all covered under the blanket of TMD. TMJ disorders are characterized by pain and tenderness in the TMJs, pain around the ear(s), pain while chewing, facial pain, popping or clicking of the TMJs as the mouth is opened and closed, headaches, muscle spasms, neck and shoulder pain, jaw and facial swelling, and even migraines in certain cases.

What is a TMJ Flare-Up?

When the symptoms of a TMJ disorder seem to all act up at once, it is known as a TMJ flare-up. A flare-up is quite simply a sudden increase in the frequency and severity of TMJ disorder symptoms. TMJ flare-ups are different for everyone, so there’s no definitive indicator of when one begins or ends, what causes them, or how to treat them. Instead, each patient will have to find the combination of treatments and interventions that work best for them.

Duration of TMJ Flare-Ups

TMJ flare-ups are usually short-lived, only lasting from a few weeks to a few months. However, just because they don’t last long doesn’t mean that they don’t cause big problems. The pain and loss of function that results from a TMJ flare-up can be extremely debilitating for the patient. This is why we always recommend seeking professional dental care immediately if TMJ disorder symptoms arise.

Causes of TMJ Flare-Ups

TMJ flare-ups have a variety of potential causes, with specific causes varying from patient to patient. Most patients report that their TMJ flare-up symptoms begin due to:

  • Stress
  • Dehydration
  • Eating very hard foods
  • Eating very chewy foods
  • Poor posture
  • Hormone changes
  • Injury to the jaw area
  • Certain medications
  • Vitamin deficiency

Sometimes TMJ flare-ups happen without any known cause. This is why TMJ disorders can be so hard to identify and treat properly.

Treatments for TMJ Flare-Ups

There are some useful treatments for patients who are dealing with a TMJ flare-up, including those that can be done at home and those that require professional intervention. Some of the most popular treatments for symptoms of TMJ disorders include:

  • Rest
  • Jaw exercises
  • Soft diet
  • Improved posture
  • Alternating hot and cold packs
  • Over-the-counter pain medications
  • Custom-fit mouthguards
  • Physical therapy
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Arthrocentesis
  • TMJ arthroscopy
  • Open-joint surgery

The exact treatments required for each patient will vary. Most treatment plans for TMJ flare-ups begin with the least invasive treatment options, such as rest and dietary changes, and gradually move up to the more invasive treatments until the perfect combination of treatments is found.

Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ

What if I do not treat my TMJ?

While TMJ symptoms often resolve on their own after a bit of time has passed, leaving your TMJ symptoms untreated can lead to chronic pain, difficulty speaking, difficulty chewing, damage to the teeth and jawbone, inner ear issues, chronic headaches, and an overall poor quality of life.

Is TMJ curable without surgery?

Yes, most cases of TMJ can be cured with less invasive treatments than surgery. However, for severe cases that have not responded well to other treatments, surgery may be the only option for relief. Your dentist will help you find the right combination of treatments to treat your TMJ in the safest way possible.

TMJ Treatment in Stuart, FL

Are you living with chronic pain due to TMJ flare-ups? Have simple, everyday tasks like eating or having a conversation become daunting due to your TMJ symptoms? If you’re on Florida’s Treasure Coast and in need of relief from a TMJ flare-up, Stuart Prosthetic Dentistry is here to help. Our qualified and compassionate dental team is experienced in treating TMJ disorder symptoms, giving our patients restored functionality, freedom from constant pain, and a renewed quality of life. Schedule your appointment with us by calling 772.286.1606 or by emailing us today. Together, we can help you overcome your TMJ disorder and start living your best, symptom-free life!